Best Agricultural and Technical Institute

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Best Agricultural and Technical Institute

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Best Agricultural and Technical Institute

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About Pride Agricultural and Technical Institute

About Our Institute

Pride Agricultural and Technical Institute formally known as Pride Scholar Vocational Institute is a private tertiary institution founded in 2017 and operationalized on 18th January, 2018 as service provider for educational training & capacity building with an objective of helping the community realize their full potential through provision of reliable skills. The idea was conceived in the mind of Geofrey Bakole.

The institute is incorporated as a limited company by URSB, licensed by Ministry of Education & Sports: ME/VOC/441 accredited by Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board (UBTEB): Centre No. BTV516 & Directorate of Industrial Training (DIT): Centre No: UVQF/622.

The institute is a member of Association of Uganda Private Vocational Institutions (UGAPRIVI) No. 1232 WN 2018 and stands out in meeting its statutory obligations PAYE, NSSF, Income & local service taxes Our institute stands as a leader in Excellence, Innovation and Transformation. Facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art technology that enables optimal learning environment. The Institution has a strong reputation of training frontline agricultural extension workers and technicians

  • Quality Teachers
  • Get Certified
  • Library Stores
  • Affordable Price

Board Of Directors

The Institute has a passionate and efficient five-member board of directors responsible for policy direction.

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Ms. Maturu Santina

Director of Education

Ms. Draleru Milka


Governing Council

When It Comes To Governing Council

The Institute has a well constituted and functional Governing Council in accordance, TVET policy, Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act responsible for planning and allocation of resources.

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Mr. Feni Twaib

Chairperson Governing Council

Some Governing Council
Members at Guild Inauguration




The Institute has qualified dedicated and progmatic administration staff responsible for managing day to day affairs.

Mr. Musema Denis

1st Deputy Principal - Agriculturalist

Ms. Lenia Faith

2nd Deputy Principal - Agriculturalist

Guild Council

Guild Council Members

The students Guild is a link between the students’ body and the Institute Administration. It is headed by a Guild President who is democratically elected by the students in accordance with the existing guidelines.

Guild Council Leaders Innaugration

Guild Council Training

1st Deputy Principal - Agriculturalist

Why Choose Us People choose us because...

Pride Agricultural and Technical Institute has an intensive learning experience designed to set students up to succeed in their field.

The training is specific and relevant to the work students are going to do in their professional setting. One of the main reasons people choose to enroll in Pride Agricultural and Technical Institute is because they can foresee themselves enjoying a long and prosperous career, and want to start earning quickly.

The institute therefore will open doors to a student who:

  • Has a career goal in mind and want to start working as soon as possible
  • Wants to increase their earning potential.
  • Wants high-level professional guidance
  • Wants to learn the skills needed to land the job you want.
  • Wants to prepare to pass a certification exam.
  • Wants to be connected to a community.
  • Wants to advance or specialize their skills even further.
  • Wants to enter growing and in-demand fields.
  • Wants to practice their skills in real-life settings.
  • Wants to be around a dedicated peer group.

Our Core Objectives

Services & Compliance

To establish and conduct vocational, agricultural, technical and business education training institution within meaning of Technical Vocational Education Training Act, Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act and any Acts amending the same.

Reliable Skills

To help communities realize their full potential through provision of reliable skills in vocational, agricultural, technical and business or entrepreneurial fields.


To initiate and encourage the inclusion of HIV/AIDS, gender mainstreaming and environmental protection as cross cutting issues in all our development activities.

Technical Skills

To carry out research into the development and application of new techniques in education and approach to curriculum development and delivery and to publish the results of such research and to develop means of benefiting from application of the experience of industry, commerce and educational institutions.


To advance learning and knowledge in all aspects and to provide industrial, commercial, scientific, technological, social, cultural and professional education and training.

Biological diversity

Improve the knowledge and understanding of the need to conserve biological diversity through information exchange.

Academic Courses

To provide and offer academic programmes or courses of education both full time and part time.

Clean energy

Promote sustainable clean energy, tree planting with emphasis on indigenous species and high-value fruit tree growing, climate change adaptation and mitigation activities, monitoring tool design and development.

Academic Programmes

The institute offers Junior, National Certificate and Diploma programmes including short courses

Certificate programmes (2years) - Feb Intake

  • National Certificate in Agricultural Production (NCAP)
  • National Certificate in Building Construction (NCBC)
  • National Certificate in Electrical Installation & Maintenance Systems (NCES)
  • National Certificate in TFashion and Gammet Design (NCFD)
  • National Certificate in Wood Work Technology (NCWWT)
  • National Certificate in Plumbing (NCPL)
  • National Certificate in Automotive Mechanics (NCAM)

Qualification for Certificate programme: UCE or its Equivalent or UJTC

Diploma Programmes (2years) – August Intake

  • National Diploma in Crop Production & Management (DCP)
  • National Diploma in Animal Production & Management (DAP)

Qualification for diploma: UACE with at least one Principal pass or its Equivalent

Download Application PDF Apply Now

Our Vision

To be the leading institution in preparing and equipping students with practical and innovative skills for a better world

Our Mission

 Cultivating a culture that honors tradition of excellence and diversity where learners are substantially trained.

Our Motto

Pride in Skills Excellence.

Our core values 

Pride Agricultural and Technical Institute is guided by a set of core values that we not only employ in implementing our projects but also impart to our learners and interns. These include: 

Team work
Admissions Requirements and Procedures


Pride Agricultural and Technical Institute is open to all students without regard to tribe, color, religion, age, sex, creed, race, national origin, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, marital status, or other factors which cannot be lawfully considered for an employment decision.

We affirm a strong policy of nondiscrimination, equal employment opportunity, and equal educational opportunity in the provision of educational training to the public and administrating all educational services. We have a strong conviction that we can help you find a program that is right for you!

General Admissions Requirements

All applicants are encouraged to seek guidance from an Admissions Advisor / Academic Registrar to determine the requirements for entrance into their desired career education program.

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Admissions Requirements and Procedures

To be considered for enrollment at Pride Agricultural and Technical Institute, all applicants must supply:

Verification of high school completion (UCAE results slip/certificate) showing the date of completion.


Verification of ordinary level secondary completion (UCE results slip) showing date of completion.


Other acceptable documentation confirms that the applicant meets or exceeds the academic achievement equal to an advanced secondary school in Uganda. Documentation of proof of completion of secondary education from a foreign country must be official and must be officially certified as the equivalent of high school completion in Uganda.

Applicants are encouraged to refer to the School Catalog for additional admission requirements for their desired vocational and none vocational programs. To take that first step to change your life, come and meet with one of our admissions advisors who can assist you with the process.

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